Free Ideas: Introduction.
I encourage entrepreneurs, investors, brand owners, good causes or business people to take these ideas and do what they want with them.
I'm aiming to operate this scheme on an honor system (if such a thing still exists!)
If you deem the ideas valuable, I'll leave any potential profit share to your good will and conscience.
Should someone take an idea and run with it, I'd invite them to contact me out of courtesy and also so I can post "taken" on the idea to discourage multiple usage.
Ultimately, I'd be delighted if any of the ideas came to life and made a positive difference to an individual or a business.
This is an experiment, perhaps the beginnings of a new model agency (I like the name, “The Free Agent) or perhaps it's something that will be more trouble than it's worth. We'll see.
If you like the FREEIDEAS project, please share this link to friends and colleagues.
Have fun and thank you.
Floyd. AKA The Free Agent.
P.S. If you just like the overall project and would like to support it, feel free to give a donation, helps keep the site running. Thanks!