IDEA 5: Curly App

Curly-haired girls are sometimes bullied at school for having curly locks.  As a Dad of a Curly, I think this not at all cool.

This idea aims to create a fun experience that will give curly teenage girls and their friends something to smile about and hopefully help them feel happy and confident about their hair.

This app idea would be suitable for a haircare brand looking to do some social good. It also provides an engaging platform to communicate with their audience, offer digital coupons for product sampling, provide curly haircare tips and share resources on how to deal with bullying. 

How it Works

  • A friend opens the app and enters a curly friend's name into the field

  • She then chooses a "cute model" she thinks her friend will like, enters friend's email and sends

  • The curly friend receives a link to a video where she is greeted by a video featuring the model.

  • The cool part is the model greets the viewer using her real name, which will be surprising and fun. The model then delivers a message of support for her and her curls.

  • She can then download a coupon for a sample of a brand partner's product, explore anti-bullying resources and send her own curly support video to other curlies.

The tech behind It works by pre-filming each model saying the top female names in America.

Text-to-speech tech can also be explored.