The Inspiration
If you've ever received an email or text from me, you've probably received a few typos along with it. It's professionally sloppy and being a 99% mobile business (ipad or phone) is no excuse.
I was thinking of some method to punish myself and the idea of "Typos For Charity" came to mind.
One of my Creative Advisors* the Honorable Princes Jade told me it was possibly the worst idea I've had. So have at it:
The Idea
Some kind of email / messenger plug in or script (if that's the right tech terms) that will note every typo and automatically deducts a $1 from PayPal to give to a pre-defined charity.
At the end of each week the typo analytics are given to see how many typos have occurred (boo) and how much cash has been raised (yay).
I feel this idea would be fairly easy to make and would be pretty PR-able. If you're in a position to help make this, get in touch:
As always, feel free to 'like' this idea or donate a little sumpin' sumpin