The Idea
Create a brand platform around "Urban Hiking".
Urban Hiking is the everyday walk: a light stroll to an all day wander.
With 34.5 million traditional hikers and countless "everyday walkers" this is a huge opportunity to engage with a large, active group of people
The Inspiration
Since leaving the everyday office life, I've found walking to be a fantastic method of solving problems, getting inspired and remaining switched on to the real world around us. You won't see me in a gym but you will see me taking pics of street art, talking to strangers and collecting Pieces of Brooklyn.
How It Works
Brand X becomes an advocate of the Urban Hiker, providing the following tools and content:
A central hub to gather the community to one place to share and discuss, be entertained and learn all the good stuff about Urban Hiking
An app or site featuring the best hike in each town and city
Collection of Urban Hiker's stories and and recommendations to be shared with the community
Video reviews and photo essays of some of the best walks
Instagram and other social content pieces
Who Could Use This
Pretty broad: Shoe and outdoor apparel companies, city tourist boards, fitness trackers, snack and drink producers, music/MP3/Smartphone companies, Camera companies and more.
Please click "Like" if you like this - it helps me determine of Free Ideas Project is worth the candle. And of course, feel free to donate something as it helps cover site costs pay for my walking shoes :)